Why when I check my spam box (where all my LinkedIn correspondence go) am I excited to find the email with the subject line, ‘people are looking at your LinkedIn profile.’ I immediately click to see who it could be.…
Bullet Points on Resumes??? No, Use Emojis!!!
Maybe I come off as too crass, too boastful on my resume. Maybe I need something to soften the tone. Perhaps then I can get an interview??? In today’s hipster style hiring wasteland, that can only mean one thing-emojis! (and…
Resume Roulette
Mis(s)Application is putting it mildly – I’m straight missing the target. I keep an arsenal of resumes on hand. Each resume is a fine piece of hand-crafted, American-made machinery. Loaded with carefully calibrated buzzwords cased in relative education and experience.…
I’m in Finance…
You ever find yourself at a bar, say in New York City and overhear someone say, “I’m in finance,” in a feeble attempt to woo a member of the fairer sex? That pickup line also works on your resume as…
A Quick Tip on Fixing Your Resume: BUZZWORD BULLSHIT!
Can you help me with my resume? I hate resumes, I hate Microsoft Word, I hate formatting. But time and time again someone is in need of his resume being polished for a job he wont get. In an effort…