
Can Siri Spot Talent?

Sleepy beagle dog in funny glasses near laptop

The picture says 1,000 words….

This morning, at 10:07 AM, via LinkedIn (as usual), I applied for a job.  I received the generic automated response that acknowledged the receipt of my resume, and that the “Recruiting Team” is reviewing it.  If there’s a match, they will call me.  Fair enough.

This very same morning, at 10:13 AM, I receive an e-mail letting me know that they reviewed my resume and decided to move forward with other candidates in the current process.

While this may be true, the extremely fast response time leads my colleague, Mr. UnHRable, to believe that the software they use didn’t find enough BS buzzwords in my resume.

Additionally, I’m on the east coast, and the job’s on the west coast.  There’s no way someone’s in the office at 7AM on the west coast.  I don’t believe it.  HR works 9-5.

Moreover, here’s the best part; the job was posted two days ago and via LinkedIn technology, it says that there were ZERO applicants.  Another BS statistic.

Conclusion – refer back to the picture at the top of this post.  This sums up recruiting and talent management in the US today.  It’s a shame too because there is so much talent out there waiting to make a difference, but alas, Dinosaurs still roam the Earth and until they retire, or gracefully become extinct from their managerial duties, we’ll continue to suffer through this period of automated BS….

So how much is the next Power Ball drawing worth?